Adult Confirmation

Receiving the sacrament of Confirmation is an important step for Christians. In it, we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit which give us strength and courage to live our Christian faith in a mature way as adults.

If you have not been confirmed, we offer a joint OCIA and Adult Confirmation program to help you grow as a disciple of Jesus, and grow in your knowledge and practice of the faith. The sessions include presentations on the teachings and practices of the Catholic faith in a welcoming and open atmosphere to facilitate authentic discussion about our faith, provide opportunities for fellowship, help you find a place in our parish community, and develop a rich prayer life and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you are an adult Catholic and desire to be confirmed, please take a moment to fill out the general intake form or contact for more information. These sessions are also open to adult Catholics who haven't received First Communion. We encourage anyone who intends to join to reach out throughout the year so we can help you get ready for this beautiful process.