The New Altar Server Program at OLMC

by Joseph Malzone  |  10/19/2024  |  Liturgy and Worship Reflections

You may have noticed the altar servers are wearing different colors now from what you may be used to. This is one of the most outwardly visible signs of the reforms happening with our Altar Server ministry. The ministry is in the process of being transformed into a full-fledged formative program with the vision of planting and cultivating seeds to inspire and raise up the next generation of vocations to Religious Life and the Priesthood.


All of Nature's Contribution to the Mass: Part V

by Joseph Malzone  |  10/12/2024  |  Liturgy and Worship Reflections

Concluding our series on the sacrifice all of creation offers in worship to God the Almighty Father, we now look at how all of creation is united together through our work, our own sacrifice that we offer in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The sacrifices of creation can only be offered to God through our cultivation and work of the items to render them in service of worship. We form and carve the beeswax into candles; we make bread for the Eucharist from the wheat of the earth, and the wine from crushing grapes. We press olives to extract their oil for Chrism and melt and cast gold into chalices to contain our Lord’s blood. Through these actions, we fulfill one of the primordial commands God gave to us in Genesis, to “Fill the earth and subdue it.” (Gen. 1:28). We participate in the work of God by creating new things from what He has given us, and we in turn offer it back to Him.


All of Nature's Contribution to the Mass: Part IV

by Joseph Malzone  |  10/05/2024  |  Liturgy and Worship Reflections

All of God’s created world offers a part of themselves for the offering of the Holy Mass. So far, we have seen how animals and plants give their fruits and even their very selves to worship God. Let us now see how the earth and all the non-living but purposefully created bodies and objects within our universe make an offering to God.


All of Nature's Contribution to the Mass: Part III

by Joseph Malzone  |  09/28/2024  |  Liturgy and Worship Reflections

Plants contribute so much to the worship of God that they need another week to get through all the ways they sacrifice themselves in the mass. Last week, we saw that flowers, cotton, linen, wheat, and grapes are all involved in the liturgy, and we began to see the sacrifice of trees and their role in salvation history. We continue with trees, and there is still more they give.


All of Nature's Contribution to the Mass: Part II

by Joseph Malzone  |  09/21/2024  |  Liturgy and Worship Reflections

The Holy Mass is offered to God through the sacrifice of Christ, united with the sacrifice of all of creation to facilitate the worship of God. Last week we took a look at the sacrifice that animals make in order to contribute to the Mass. Today, we will see how the plant world offers itself to the glory of God.

Flowers are often the most conspicuous offering of plants to God in the mass. They are often made of bouquets of cut stems, meaning the life they have to give is by definition limited. Their blooms give the rest of their life accentuating the sanctuary and adding extra beauty on the most holy days of the year. The flowers will eventually wither and die, but in their short life they gave their all to decorate God’s throne room.


All of Nature's Contribution to the Mass: Part I

by Joseph Malzone  |  09/14/2024  |  Liturgy and Worship Reflections

The Holy Mass is first and foremost a sacrifice to God, and in this ultimate sacrifice of Christ is many smaller sacrifices composing a vast array of the entire natural world. From animals, to plants, to even the earth itself, all of God’s creation comes together in the Holy Mass to offer fitting sacrifice to their creator.

Let us first start with the sacrifice that the animals make to facilitate worship of God. Certain vestments (the ceremonial garments worn by the clergy in the liturgy) may be made from silk, a sacrifice of silkworms to create. The most important books used in the liturgy are bound in leather, a sacrifice of cows to create.


Instructions on the Reception of the Precious Blood

by Joseph Malzone  |  09/01/2024  |  Liturgy and Worship Reflections

On Sunday, September 15th, the Distribution of the Precious Blood will be reintroduced at masses in a phased roll-out, beginning at the 9am and 11am masses. As discussed in previous articles about the Precious Blood, one does not need to consume both species of the Blessed Sacrament (Body and Blood separately) in order to receive all of Christ; he is entirely present in either species. If, however, you wish to receive the Precious Blood, please follow the instructions below.
