
by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  05/21/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

Serving as your pastor these last two years have been a gift from the Lord at this late stage in my priestly ministry. As many of you know, OLMC was my home parish for 3 years before entering the seminary. Fr. (Msgr.) McCready, the pastor, was a wise and kind mentor, helping me to grasp a good understanding of the practicalities of the priesthood. He gave me a room in the rectory during vacations and even saw to it that I had a few extra dollars in my pocket.

There were, however a few tense moments when I thought my vocation might be in danger. Like the time I borrowed Fr. McCready’s prized graphite-shaft golf driver without asking permission, only to see the clubhead fly off the shaft on the driving range. That easily could have been the end of my seminary days, but eventually cooler heads prevailed (that I got the club repaired quickly certainly didn’t hurt matters).


Happy Mother's Day

by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  05/14/2023  |  Weekly Reflection


Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and grandmothers of our parish community. Like many, on this day I reflect on my own mother and the impact she had on me. I always knew I was loved very much by her. She taught me many things: how to speak (albeit Spanish, not English); about God’s love for me and everyone; how to pray; to love my brother and sister; to obey the teachers at school and to apply myself; to be kind to others; to ask forgiveness for wrongdoings; and the joy of warm, homemade food awaiting our return from school. As we grow older and more independent, the importance of our mother’s love begins to wane. That is one reason why this day in which we honor our mothers is so important. The unconditional love of God is reflected in both of our parents, but our mothers who make it concrete and transformational.


Resources for Overcoming the Use of Pornography

by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  05/07/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

Dennis Prager, a conservative author and talk-radio host has drawn a lot of attention to himself recently because of his controversial and very problematic views on pornography. At a recent round-table discussion hosted by Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and author, Prager said “men want variety, so pornography is not so awful so long as it is used as a substitute for adultery.”

Prager, who is in many ways an insightful and moral man, has badly understood the way that the use of pornography harms the user and those around him. If the user is married, single a priest or a nun, he or she is doing violence to the gift of noble sexual desire God has implanted in our hearts. While God’s plan for married love is that spouses would give themselves away completely to each other in selfless love in service to the other. Porn, on the other hand works in the opposite direction, reducing other people to objects of sexual gratification. No, pornography is not a harmless diversion—it is the toxic venom that is destroying the souls of millions of young men and women and causing deep wounds in countless marriages.


Navigating a Child's Same Sex Attraction

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  04/30/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

Many of you are familiar with the proverbial “frog in the hot water”. The way the story goes is that if a frog, a cold-blooded amphibian, is placed in a large pot of cold water on top of a stove, it will relax and enjoy the water. If the heat is slowly turned up, the frog will continually adjust to the gradual rising of the temperature until eventually he boils to death.

This story is often used as a parable depicting what happens when we allow sin or error to penetrate our lives. Initially, we may only embrace it to only a limited degree, but unless checked, over time its hold on us will increase to a point that is fatal.


Attending Mass Weekly

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  04/23/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

I begin with a word of gratitude and happiness over our Parish Picnic last Saturday. It was wonderful to see so many people enjoying themselves in a variety of activities (or none) and a very real sense of shared community among those present. For many, the highlight of the day was the Blessing of Chapel ground by Bishop Olmsted. There are so many who served in preparation of the Picnic and on the day itself. To all of you, I say “thank you.”


Parish Picnic

by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  04/16/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

I begin by expressing my gratitude to all of you who helped make Saturday’s Parish Picnic a great day. I especially thank Ashley Hall, Jamon Reval, Knights of Columbus, School Dad’s Club, St Therese Group, Boy Scouts, Tim States, Coach Baker, Mrs. Knox, OLMC Jr High students and all who gave their time and talent to facilitate a joyful community day for the parish.


Approaching Holy Week

by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  03/26/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

Three weeks ago, I announced in this column that Bishop Dolan has asked me to step down as Parochial Administrator (aka, Pastor) of OMLC. In that regard, “thank you” to all who have expressed your gratitude for the service I have been able to offer you over these past months.


Lenten Events

by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  03/19/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

We have two very special Lenten events coming up this week that I hope you will put into your calendars. On Wednesday, Dcn. Dennis Lambert, an author and Deacon of our Diocese, will come to speak to us about the Real Presence of the Eucharist. For Catholics, the belief that Jesus Christ is truly present in the Holy, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity is (or should be) a given. This doctrine, above all others, is the bedrock of our Catholic Faith.


Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi

by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  03/12/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

Three weeks ago, we hosted an exposition depicting some of the great Eucharistic miracles that have occurred throughout the centuries. While the circumstances of every miracle were different, in each case the events had the effect of reminding people anew that Jesus, the Son of God, is truly present in the Holy Eucharist.

It can be so easy for us to grow inattentive or even indifferent to this startling reality. After all, the species still has the appearance of ordinary wheat bread and grape wine even though it really is the Body and Blood of Christ. If we lose sight of this fundamental truth or it no longer moves us, then we are in danger of questioning everything else the Church teaches. The Fathers of the Church described this phenomena with the Latin term, Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi—the way we pray and worship will shape what we believe.


A Time to Say Goodbye

by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  03/05/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

It has been two years since Bishop Olmsted asked me to serve at Our Lady of Mt Carmel as interim pastor. Our original agreement was for me to serve for one year after Fr John’s departure until a permanent pastor could be appointed. But it seems the Lord had other plans.

As many of you by now have heard me recount, shortly after my arrival the Lord, in many ways, made it clear that He wanted an Adoration Chapel for the parish. Following that prompting, which was confirmed at each step, and in consultation with Bishop Olmsted, I agreed to continue to serve for as long as it would take to complete the chapel.
