The Virtue of Obedience

by Retired Archbishop Chaput  |  07/23/2021  |  Recommended Resources

We live in a turbulent time; a time that’s similar, in some ways, to the various Reformations of 500 years ago. History, of course, doesn’t repeat itself. History is a creation of unique and unrepeatable people. So the gulf between Europe in 1521 and our circumstances today, in 2021, is huge.


Quotes from The Power of Silence by Robert Cardinal Sarah

07/22/2021  |  Recommended Resources

Published by Ignatius Press in September 2018

“Although speech characterizes man, silence is what defines him, because speech acquires sense only in terms of this silence.”

“Solitude and silence are guests of the soul. The soul that possesses them carries them with it everywhere. The one that lacks them finds them nowhere. In order to re-enter silence, it is not enough to stop the movement of one’s lips and the movement of one’s thoughts. That is only being quiet. Being quiet is a condition for silence, but it is not silence."


Prayer to Help Make Decisions

07/22/2021  |  Recommended Resources

At one time or another we all are faced with difficult and important decisions. We know that we need God’s help and grace to make the right choice. Here is a prayer by Pope St John Paul II that articulates our plea for guidance. You might want to cut it out and put it in your bible or book of prayers.
