Well done with the Census...now what?
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 05/04/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who participated in the just concluded Parish Census. I am glad to report that we have gathered great data through this exercise, and we are now ready to move forward to the Survey portion. Like I mentioned in my previous articles and video messages, I am very interested to hear your thoughts about our Parish namely, what you think we do well and sets us apart as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel; what you think we could improve on and what new things you desire to be introduced in order for our parish to continue thriving.
Next week if you completed the Parish Census you will be emailed the Parish Survey focusing on those questions and more. If you participated in the Census and for some reason, did not list an email address, you may still pick up a paper copy of the Survey in the parish office after May 12.
Gathering this information is another step towards creating a Parish Strategic Plan that will allow our Parish to flourish and grow in the coming years. Like you did with the Census, I ask you to please participate in this Survey and be as candid as possible so that we can come out with a clear and realistic picture of the needs of our Parish.
Thank you for your participation and I look forward to reading the results.
I love you!