A Word of Gratitude to You
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 10/19/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
I would like to express my profound gratitude for your active participation in a number of activities our parish has been involved in the last couple of months. Among others, we began by doing a census, which was followed by a survey to determine the size and needs of our parish. Even though the participation was not as we had hoped, it gave us some idea of the direction our parish desires to go.
Some of the things pointed out are either being implemented or are in the process of being implemented. We shall soon release the full outcome of the survey in another article, so be patient with us. The census and survey were followed by a series of homilies and some articles on Stewardship which ran throughout the month of September. Yes, the entire month of September was a stewardship month and will continue to be going forward. I would like to sincerely thank our clergy and witness speakers who helped to reflect on stewardship at the different Masses. Two weeks ago, this was followed by the commitment Sunday, during which I requested all of you to commit to sharing a portion of your finances with your parish. I thank all those who participated in this very important activity and encourage those who have not yet made their commitment to please do so either online or with the commitment cards still available in the pews. Alternatively, you can also call the parish office if you need some assistance with making your commitment.
On the weekend of November 2/3, we shall do our ministry fare. At both the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses, we shall have tables set for the different ministries to provide information about their ministries and also recruit new members and participants. This will be an opportunity for you to commit to sharing your time and talent with your parish through the ministry to which you will feel drawn. At the other Masses, we shall have only tables with brochures from the different ministries handed out by our staff members. Additionally, on that same weekend, I will present my State of the Parish Address at all the Masses. This is meant to give you an idea of how our parish has been doing and what my vision for our parish, going forward, is. The fuller details of my address are contained in the newsletter, which will also be released that same weekend.
I truly thank you for your active participation in the life of our parish. Remember, our parish can only be as good as you, its parishioners. It will be holy if you are holy. Generous if you are generous. Welcoming if you are warm and welcoming. Its pews will be filled if you help invite others to fill them. So, as stewards, our work is all cut out for us. Let us go forth and share our time, talent, and treasure with our brothers and sisters and invite them to do the same.
I love you!