Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  11/20/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

Happy Feast of the Christ the King—the last Sunday of our Liturgical Year. Established in 1925 by Pope Pius XI, this feast is a relative newcomer to the Church calendar. It was designed to give special recognition to the dominion of Christ our Lord over all aspects of our lives during a tumultuous time in the Europe and the Church.

World War I had ended only a few years before, leaving much of the world in shambles. England and the countries of continental Europe had been devastated, the Bolsheviks had taken complete control in Russia, many governments were in economic chaos, unemployment was rampant and people in many places were literally starving to death. The pessimism and sense of hopelessness that had overcome many set the stage for the rise of fascism, National Socialism and Communism. In their distress, people clung to anyone who offered them hope.


Capital Campaign for the Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel

by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  11/13/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

This week we are in the last phase of our Capital Campaign for the Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel. We’ve already attained a fantastic level, thanks to the many generous donors who have contributed. Now to reach our final goal, we will need an additional $90,000. If everyone contributes what they are able, we will succeed.

Some of you are capable of making gifts of $5,000 or $10,000. For others, that is more than you can give. Because you are free to fulfill your pledge over two years, whatever you can give will add up. Look at these examples of the number of individuals and families making a monthly gift and what it would mean for the goal.


Pray for the Faithful Departed

by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  11/06/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

This past week, with the Trifecta celebrations of All-Hollow’s Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls Day, we’ve entered into that final part of our liturgical year focused on the world-to-come and culminating in the great triumph of our Lord on the Feast of Christ the King.

It is a time to reflect on our mortality--memento mori--remember that you are going to die. If the Lord were to call you from this life tomorrow, are you ready? Are you in a state of grace and reconciled with those around you? Is the Lord the center of your life and basis of your hope?


by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  10/30/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

You are invited to join me and many others who will be making (or renewing) their consecration to Mary on December 8th, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. We will be using the book, 33 Days to Morning Glory, by Fr Michael Gaitley with the preparation beginning on Saturday, November 5th. In case you don’t have a copy of his book, we have the simplified version available to you at no cost. They can be found in the Church and at the offices.


by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  10/23/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

If you are a parent of an elementary school-aged child (ren), and have wanted to send your children to Catholic school but found the cost beyond your range, there is some incredibly good news for you. On September 30, the State of Arizona put into effect the ESA (Empowerment Scholarship Account) program.


by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  10/16/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

The month of October (like May) is dedicated to our Blessed Mother. Last Thursday we honored Mary on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of her apparitions at Fatima. After more than a century, Our Blessed Mother’s appearance in that small Portuguese town continues to deeply impact Catholics worldwide. Why is that?

In part, the universally acclaimed signs and wonders that took place still reverberate in the Catholic imagination. The miracle of the sun, which has been retold and dramatized countless times, was witnessed by over 70,000 people (many of whom were skeptics). But perhaps the most enduring aspect of Fatima are the messages our Blessed Mother related to the three visionaries: Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia.


by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  10/08/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

Lila Rose, the founder and president of the national pro-life group Live Action, recently spoke in defense of the unborn to a national audience on Dr. Phil’s talk show. When pressed about when life begins, the talk-show host insisted that the scientific community is undecided on this issue. That is a standard defensive move by the pro-abortion folks, but it is patently false. Lila cited a recent study of 5,577 biologist from 1,058 academic institutions in which 96% of them confirmed that a human’s life begins at fertilization.


by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  10/02/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

The priesthood is the means that our Lord instituted to assure that the Church would always be able to provide the Sacraments and consecrated leadership for the flock. It is a moment of great rejoicing when a young man responds to God’s calling and offers himself in service to the Church. The priesthood is much more than a career or profession; it is a total way of life for the entirety of his life.

This year Fr. Aaron reached the milestone of his 10th anniversary. Today—Sunday, October 2, Fr. Aaron will celebrate the 11:00am Mass in honor of his priesthood followed by a light reception in McCready Hall (south side) where you can give thanks with him and share a piece of cake.


by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  09/25/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

On September 15 the Adoration Chapel team went before the Diocesan Building Committee to seek approval for our project. It is their responsibility to review all parish construction proposals. They offered a few helpful suggestions and then unanimously agreed we could move forward with the Chapel.


by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  09/18/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends, 

Our parish Youth Ministry launched its opening events this week—Life Teen night for High Schoolers and Edge for the Junior High children. I want to honor our Youth Minister, Miguel Nuñez, who has done a very good job in organizing the program and forming a team.


by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  09/11/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

This weekend we inaugurate our Teen Mass on Sunday night, followed by the Life Teen program. I am very grateful to all those who have (and are) helping to re-formulate our outreach to our Junior High and High School youth. We all know the profound challenges they face in our highly politicized, secular culture. But we trust in the superior power of the Gospel and the Love of God to change people’s hearts.
