The Parish Census
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 02/24/2024 | Weekly ReflectionMy Dear Friends,
In one of my articles several weeks ago, I indicated that one of my focuses for this year will be on emphasizing Stewardship as a way of life here in our parish. However, in order to better plan for the parish, I also pointed out that we shall be conducting a census in order to determine the size and needs of our parish. This is because, over these last few years, we have navigated through many transitions, including the Covid-19 pandemic, the post-pandemic, and multiple leadership transitions in our parish. These changes have resulted in a series of minor changes in virtually every part of our Parish Community.
Some Practical Proposals for this Lenten Season
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 02/17/2024 | Weekly ReflectionFriends,
I bring you very warm greetings from my family, students, and friends in Uganda. This particular vacation was very eventful for me because it was characterized by many joys and a great conference on the Impact of Peace on Education for the students and staff of St. Thomas Aquinas College which I helped establish in Uganda. However, it also had its share of sadness due to the sudden loss of two priest-classmates and a nephew all in the space of three weeks last month.
Ash and Love
by Fr. Gabriel Terrill | 02/10/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
“Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”
When we hear these words, the first thing that comes to mind likely is not, “Wow, what a great pick up line!” In fact, these words may cause anxiety or melancholy in our hearts. However, these words appear as we begin this Lenten Season and encounter a fascinating intersection between what has become a somewhat kitschy, secular celebration wherein romantically involved couples exchange chocolates and love notes and go out for an expensive meal in the name of an early church martyr who was beheaded for bringing the Eucharist to imprisoned Christians, Saint Valentine, and the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday.
My Vocation Story
by Fr. Gabriel Terrill | 02/04/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
When I was ordained to the priesthood on June 5, 2020, surrounded by family, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ, I was profoundly aware that my ordination and indeed my future as a priest was a result, not of my own competency or fittingness, but of the many people who supported me along my vocational journey. Ever since I was a young boy I wanted to be a priest, but what kept that immature desire alive and allowed it to grow was the support and encouragement of family members, parishioners, and strangers.