Buidling our Adoration Muscle
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 06/30/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
If you have seen that my smiles have broadened these days, you are correct. Why? Well, this is because the long-awaited Perpetual Adoration Chapel construction is now underway as you have probably seen. This project is dear to my heart as it is in many of yours, I am sure. Yes, for many months, we have longed for, prayed fervently and battled with mundane procedures to reach this moment.
Bereavement Support Ministry is on the way
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 06/23/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
We have just recently concluded our Parish Census and Survey. One of the major purposes of these exercises as I told you, was to identify the needs of our Parish and appropriately address them. While the final outcome of the survey is still being compiled and will be shared at an appropriate time, one need that came out frequently from many of you and which I personally have been also thinking about, is the need for a Bereavement Support Ministry here in our Parish.
Who is the Father of God?
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 06/16/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
This was the simple but profound question I was asked one day by one of my OLMC preschool friends named Luke this past school year. Much as Luke constantly asks me very many questions whenever I visited their class or after Mass, this particular one about the Father of God caught me completely off guard. For all my years of studying theology, some years of teaching religious education and years of preaching, I could not immediately provide him with a simple response suitable for a four-year-old.
What a Great Week This Past Week Was!
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 06/08/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
“You have a great and joyful community here at OLMC. Keep on doing whatever you are doing, Robert. I will certainly come back soon!” These were the final words Bishop Dolan told me as I escorted him to his car after my Installation and thereafter the Groundbreaking for our Adoration Chapel last week. I couldn’t agree more with the Bishop but more especially with his first sentence about being a joyful community.
The Long-awaited Day is Finally Here: The Groundbreaking!
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 06/02/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
Twelve days ago today, despite his extremely busy schedule, our Bishop, John Dolan, accepted my short-notice invitation for him to come over and officially break ground for the construction of our long-awaited Divine Mercy Perpetual Adoration Chapel this weekend. He is also at the same time installing me officially as your Pastor. I am especially so grateful to God that this historical occasion of the groundbreaking is finally taking place today June 2, 2024, soon after the 11:00am Mass. I am also grateful to our Bishop for making the time to come over and be with us to Preside over these events.