Events & Announcements

2024 Tithing Statements
Parishioners that requested statements last year will automatically be emailed or mailed their tithing statement. New parishioners or anyone that has not previously requested a statement can do so by completing the Tithing Statement Request Form

Help Wanted: Ministry of Care Leader
Ministers of Care visit our homebound and hospital-bound parishioners to bring them Holy Communion. The MOC is in need of a volunteer leader to coordinate the ministry.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish and School Endowment Drive
With your support, we plan to raise $25,000, and with the dollar-for-dollar matching opportunity with our trusted partners at the Catholic Community Foundation, the total can double to $50,000.
Upcoming Events

Grief Support Group
Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm in the St. Simon Room, beginning Thu, Feb 13

Christ in our Neighborhood
Fridays, 9:15am in the St. Simon Room

Festival of Praise Night
City of the Lord and OLMC invite you to a "Festival of Praise" worship night. Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR, President of Franciscan University of Steubenville, will be leading the event.

Traveling Our Lady of Mount Carmel Statue
Would you like to host the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Traveling Statue for a week?

Get your affairs in order
Join us for a wine and dinner presentation from experts who will teach about establishing a Will or Trust, Funeral Planning, and Charitable Giving both for now and after the end-of-life.

First Friday Adoration
Join us for First Friday Mass at 7:00pm, with Adoration following until the 8:00a, Mass on Saturday.

Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast
2nd Sunday of the month after the 7:00am and 9:00am Masses
There will be a special menu for the kickoff including eggs, bacon, and biscuits & gravy!