Eucharistic Adoration
As Catholics we believe, that according to His word in the Gospel, Jesus is truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the sacred Host. Adoration is a wonderful aspect of our Eucharistic life in which we adore Him present in the Monstrance in the altar. When the Eucharist is exposed for veneration there should be at least one person present throughout the entire time. Everyone is welcomed to join us in prayer for as long as they want even if you don’t sign up. But we encourage you to sign up for a Holy Hour so that we can make sure that Our Lord always has company throughout the day. The hour you sign up for is spent in silent prayer and meditation. You may bring your own prayer books, read the Bible, pray the rosary, or just sit and enjoy the peace that comes from simply being in the Presence of God.
People who join this ministry commit to spending 60 minutes before our Eucharistic Lord on Wednesdays between 9:00am and 6:00pm. Also, we are currently looking for people who want to join the Adoration Ministry Committee.