
Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Boys and girls in fifth grade or higher who have received the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation are invited to join this Liturgical Ministry. They will be trained and invited to serve at Saturday/Sunday Masses. If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry, please contact the ministry head.

Contact Information
Deacon Chris Gass

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are individuals with a deep love for the Eucharist, willing to serve the body and blood of Christ during Mass. Through this ministry you are called to “Be the Hands of Christ.” Requirements to be a Minister are:

  1. you must be 16 years of age; and
  2. you must have completed your sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation);
  3. if married, be in full communion with the Catholic Church,

As with all OLMC volunteers, you must have completed or renewed your SET training. If you’re interested in volunteering for this ministry please contact the Parish Office.

Contact Information
Parish Office

Iron Maidens

Parishioners willing to join this liturgical ministry, help picking up alter linens after the Sunday Mass. They wash and iron them and have them back to OLMC by Wednesday.

Contact Information
Laura Conn


Lectors at Our Lady of Mount Carmel are well-spoken men and women comfortable speaking to large audiences and interested in proclaiming the word of God during Mass. Serving as a lector at Our Lady of Mount Carmel is not only a service but a gift to be shared with your fellow parishioners. If you’re interested in volunteering for this ministry, please contact the ministry head.

Contact Information
Ernesto Rivera

Ushers and Hospitality

An usher is a man or woman who assists during weekend and Holy Day Masses in greeting parishioners, helping individuals find their seats, taking up the collection and keeping an orderly flow during communion. This is an excellent opportunity for new parishioners interested in getting to know the parish community. If you’re interested in volunteering for this ministry, please contact the ministry head.

Contact Information
Mark DeFusco

Service/Outreach Ministries

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ Centered 12 step group where it is understood your higher power is Jesus Christ. Anyone struggling with hurts, habits and hang ups is invited to join. Many people come because they know someone who needs help and stay because they find a community of people who care and understand their struggles.

Celebrate Recovery follows the Christ-Centered 12 steps combined with the Eight Recovery Principles found in the Beatitudes.

Contact Information

Full Circle (Youth at Risk)

A ministry serving families with teens/young adults struggling with a range of issues that can challenge the very foundation of any household. Issues may include substance abuse, addictions such as (but not limited to) gambling or pornography, depression, promiscuity, or eating disorders. This list is by no means exhaustive, and is not meant to be exclusive. If you or someone you love is in pain, or just have questions about a particular matter, we here at Mt. Carmel would like to help. Often conventional help, be it advice, therapy, or rehabilitation, while well-intentioned, allows young people to slip through the cracks. Our aim is to provide a program that provides families with support, responds to individual needs, affirms your strengths, and, above all, a program that will serve as a safety net so that our children will not fall through the cracks.

Contact Information
Anthony "AJ" Creswell

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus are “practical Catholic” men over the age of 18 interested in serving Christ, the church and the community about two-four hours a month. The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization dedicated to providing charitable services, promoting Catholic education and actively defending Catholicism in various nations.

Contact Information
Jim Fitzsimmons, Grand Knight,

Ministry of Care

Ministers of Care visit the hospitalized and the homebound in the name of Christ and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish. What a privilege to bring our Lord in the Eucharist to those of our brothers and sisters who are unable to receive Him due to illness or infirmity! Ministers of Care serve the Catholic patients at Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital and the homebound of our parish that request the Eucharist be brought to them. Volunteers should feel comfortable in a hospital setting or in a home setting with infirmed persons, many of whom are elderly. Time commitment varies from once a week to once a month, an hour each time on average. Talents needed include kindness, compassion and the love of our Lord. Volunteers will be trained as a Minister of Care in order to serve.

Contact Information
Jeannie Buggle


The Ladies Sodality at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel ministry started in 1949, with strong dedicated women, whose purpose is to foster in its members a devotion to our Blessed Lady.

Women of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel who are above the age of sixteen and registered in the parish are invited to join our parish’s longest running ministry. The Sodality is a lifelong commitment to join the Army of Our Blessed Mother Mary. A multi-age group, we are a community of women who meet regularly for community building, fellowship, food, and prayer. We care for the needs of the parish and larger community through our personal service, prayer groups, and by raising funds for the church (for items such as the Easter Candle, as well as student scholarships).

Contact Information
Jean-Anne Knebelsberger

St. Vincent de Paul

The St. Vincent de Paul Society at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel church in Tempe is part of the largest lay Catholic charitable organization in the world. We are committed to serving people in our community who find themselves in a difficult situation. Visiting them in their homes, we assess their individual needs and provide emergency food boxes, help pay rent and utility bills, offer clothes and furniture vouchers, and refer them to other organizations. Our assistance encompasses the whole person, addressing not only material but also spiritual needs.

Contact Information
Julian Natividad
Pantry 480-966-1974
Find us on Facebook: Saint Vincent de Paul - Tempe