Divine Mercy Perpetual Adoration Chapel Update

by Fr. Robert Aliunzi  |  09/17/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

Our Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel building project about which I gave you an update this past July, is moving forward even though not at the speed we had anticipated. This is because we had to change architectural firms and update our contracts, which has caused some delays. The architectural firm we were using initially went through unforeseen changes due to which, they could no longer provide the services we were contracted for.

As a result, we had to hire a new architect with whom we are now in the process of finalizing a new contract and updated designs that will see us through to completion. This architect will be submitting our plans to the City of Tempe with the said updates by the end of next month October. After the submittal, we hope and pray for a speedy approval by the City so that constructions can begin. In the meantime, I am happy to report to you that through a prudent scrutiny of our construction budget with our parish liaison representatives, we have also identified a cost saving strategy that will enable us possibly save up to $80,0000.00.

Due to these circumstances, therefore, the estimated timeframe for approval from the City of Tempe will be sometime in December/January with groundbreaking to happen by February of 2024. However, if there are any other significant changes to the timeframes listed here due to unforeseen circumstances, I will communicate that to you promptly once, we find out.

Thank you all for your continued patience and for supporting this project with your generous finances and prayers. We will continue to look for opportunities to be good stewards of the temporal goods of our Church. We look forward to working with a cost-conscious and competent team that will help us build a magnificent chapel which will be a blessing to many generations for years to come and give them the opportunity to have an encounter with our Lord through the blessed sacrament.

As many of you may have realized already, this chapel is very important to me because, as I have repeated very many times, my goal as your pastor is to help get you all to heaven through our focus on the Eucharist and greater devotion to Mother Mary. Therefore, rest assured that I will do everything in my power to ensure that this chapel is built.

Finally, thank you, dear friends, for your patience as we maneuver through priest changes in our parish, architectural design modifications, and contract negotiations for our chapel and so many others during this transition period. Fr. Gabe and I are so grateful for your support as we settle down to our new roles of serving you. Please, continue to pray for us because, whenever we are involved in a critical mission that matters to God and to our Church such as the Holy Eucharist, the enemy would like nothing more than for us to fail. He tries to do this by discouraging us and by putting in front of us numerous obstacles. However, he will fail because we are committed to ensuring we bring this project to fruition so that all can spend time with our Risen Lord in the peaceful setting of a new adoration chapel. May the peace of Christ be with you as you anticipate the coming of our chapel and please continue to support this important project in any way you can. God bless you all most abundantly.

I love you!