Marian Consecration / Indulgences

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  10/31/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

There are two important spiritual milestones this week. The first is Friday November 5th, the day we begin our 33-day preparation to either make or renew our consecration to Mary (on December 8th). If you have already made the consecration, I encourage you to go through the “retreat” again and renew your consecration. I have been doing so for the past 15 years and I can attest that each year I discover something new or experience the presence and love of Our Blessed Mother in a new way. The book we will be using is 33 Days to Morning Glory, by Fr Michael Gaitley. As of this writing, we still have some free copies of the book available in the parish office. You can also purchase the book from your favorite bookstore or even watch Fr Gaitley’s videos that are available on I am hoping to see a large group of you making the consecration at the close of Mass on December 8th.


Upcoming NFP Session

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  10/24/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

To Our Married Couples:

If you are a married couple of child-bearing years, I want to share with you the best-kept secret in the Church—Natural Family Planning. This method of spacing your children is 100% natural and up to 99% effective as a family planning method. Many couples misunderstand the nature of NFP, equating it with the legendary “rhythm method.” Others have doubts about its effectiveness or even just how difficult it is to learn. We will discuss all of these concerns and more, including some of the many ways in which NFP benefits a couple’s relationship--such as the nearly non-existent divorce rate among NFP-practicing couples. A private benefactor has even agreed to underwrite most of the cost of tuition, thus removing even the financial deterrent.


Results of Community Forum

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  10/17/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

On Wednesday, October 6th over 60 people gathered for our Community Forum. The purpose was to elicit from a broad spectrum of parishioners their views on what they liked about OLMC and what they thought our parish needs in order to strengthen our mission.

Everyone who spoke expressed their love and commitment to OLMC, which was very moving and affirming for all present. As for what our parish needs, some of the items mentioned, in no particular order, include:


Issues Facing Us Today

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  10/10/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

This is the second Sunday of Pro-life Month in which we will be dedicating our homilies to some of the pressing issues facing us today. Last week we spoke about abortion and this week will be focused on racism. In the next three weeks we will talk about contraception, euthanasia and end-of-life issues and finally, the dangers facing families today.

These are controversial topics and not easily preached to an assembly that includes many under-aged children. All of us priests are aware of that and will do our best to be attentive to these challenges, but we all agree it is important for Catholics to hear Church teaching clearly proclaimed by their shepherds.


October is Respect Life Month

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  10/03/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

This is the first Sunday of October, the month where we especially recognize the God-given dignity of each human person and the blessing of the gift of life. All priests (and deacons) are encouraged to focus their homilies on topics related to life. We plan to use the 5 Sundays of October to preach about abortion, racism, the attack on the family, Euthanasia and end-of-life issues and contraception/IVF. These are not cheery topics, but the Church, in her role as Prophet, cannot shy away from the “hard sayings” if Catholics are to remain credible witnesses and signs of contradiction to the popular culture. Please pray for us that we can speak the truth in charity.
