Lord, Hear our Prayer

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  01/30/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

Some of you may have heard that the Satanic Temple will be holding its first convention in downtown Scottsdale next month. A few parishioners have asked me what I thought should be done about it. My immediate response was to say that they should not be given any attention by Christians, because our reaction is exactly what they are looking for.

It is one thing to fall into sin and, as a result, to find yourself distant from God and your spiritual center. All of us know that feeling. But it is quite another to commit yourself to rebelling against God by aligning yourself with His (and our) archenemy, Satan. Besides being an act of pure rebellion, it is also an act fueled by a darkening of the intellect. It is Satan who disguises himself as an angel of light to deceive us into following him into rebellion against Our Father who loves us and wants only what is good for us.


Lectio Divina

01/24/2022  |  Recommended Resources

Lectio Divina means “divine reading” in Latin. It’s a meditative way of reading the Bible in which we let go of our own agendas and open ourselves to what God is trying to say to us.


A Note from Father

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  01/09/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

A few reflections on my first Christmas as your shepherd: It was a joy to see so many people coming to worship the new-born King. At all of the Christmas Masses there was a sense of joy and gratitude that we could once again gather and celebrate. Because Christmas fell on a Saturday, it meant two weekends in succession of back-to-back Masses. That can be a challenge for the priests, but also for you and your guests. Thank you to all of you who were so faithful to the Lord’s invitation.


A Note from Father

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  01/02/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

With this letter I wish you a blessed new year and a joyful Feast of the Epiphany. To say that these last two weekends have been eventful is an understatement. I hope that your family gatherings were joyful and full of gratitude for your many blessings.
